We had read in the guide that "early morning cloud
and mist often enclose the Mackinnon Pass obscuring spectacular views. Walkers
arriving at Mintaro Hut in fine weather [and it was] might consider
leaving their packs and climbing to the saddle, rather than taking a chance
on the vagaries of the next day's weather."
It turned out to be good advice. I had not gone far from
the hut to take my swim when Alan caught up with me and suggested that he
and I make the 3-mile climb while the weather was good. I hate hiking in
sandals, but off we went.
The ascent to Mackinnon Pass has an elevation gain of
about 1500' and, with the exception of a detour around a previous washout
(rock or mud slides are referred to as "slips") it was an outstanding hike.
It was the first time we'd felt a challenge. For the additional six
miles of hiking in sandals, we were rewarded with postcard views of the Pass.