My first truck was a 1987 Ford Ranger I called (Black) Bart. I took him to our
family cabin in Silverton, Colorado frequently over the years, and on a quite
a few road trips too. He was a great cycle hauler, and not a bad 4-wheeler either.
I have great memories of some wild trips over Imogene, Cinnamon, and Ophir passes
in southwest Colorado, as well as too many other rough roads to remember. I bought
him new, and sold him to a softball buddy in November of 2002. Fifteen great years,
and just over 100,000 miles together.
Camping with Bart was a tent on the ground affair. I ended up putting a big tool box
in the bed, for additional lockable storage, with the rest of the gear stowed in plastic
tubs. The rear wheels of the bikes just fit on the open tailgate.