It was like an image straight out of a science
fiction movie.
On the last day of spring a large yellow cloud
blew through the pine and fir forest that makes up our immediate
surroundings. The strange dust plume, one of several over the next few
days, signaled the beginning
of our annual pine pollen season, when the lodgepoles and
ponderosas, aide by gusty winds, engage in their annual
effort to reforest the mountains on Colorado’s Front Range. (The yellow
mass at the bottom of the vertical cone is the last of the pollen on
this cluster. Imagine the entire cluster colored yellow.)
pollination process is indiscriminate—necessary, but mindless:
everything in its path is layered by the fine, fertile dust. By the
time we see the
cloud pass, it’s too late to seal doors and shut windows. It’s
too late to protect desk tops, book shelves, carpeting, the backs of
dogs, porches, cars—any flat surface and many vertical surfaces like
windows and TV screens. All are passive victims
of yellow dust particles until the pollen has
been cleared off the trees by the wind or a hard rain. Only then do
clean. No sense in doing anything until the pollen has run
its course. Like the return of hummingbirds from Mexico, pine pollen
is a sign of a seasonal change: summer is on the way.
[Note: Who
knew this obnoxious dust, found wherever
pines flourish, is more than a cause of a messy home, eye
irritation, and allergies? Chinese medicine has touted the benefits of
pine pollen for generations.]
For the record, the first hummers
arrived on April 28. By now the word has spread that nectar in the
Moir feeders is sweet, freshened regularly, and free of ants. They now
come in droves. We also have three new bird families living in
separate birdhouses that we’ve had for some time but were badly placed:
the openings had been originally been set facing west, the direction
from which the
wind generally blows, and in the open. They now face east and are
protected by leaves and branches, and the small birds (nuthatches and
chickadees) are nesting, laying eggs, and we believe some are feeding
their hatchlings.
Perhaps the warm dry weather can be blamed on the
larger than usual colony of voles
(AKA meadow mice or field mice) that
are more aggressive this year in eating the grass and Judy's flowers.
We love
animals—and we love flowers. We feel more protective of flowers since
they can't fend for themselves (and we find them much more attractive
than voles!). This year Judy has declared open warfare on the critters
and is taking desperate,
forceful action to at least “encourage” them to go somewhere else. If
there are a few casualties along the way, she really does not care.
Judy tried drowning the one on the left she saw scurry into a hole and
caught him when
he had to come up for air. The moral: don't mess with a
serious mountain gardener.
Growing plants is hard enough in the mountains without vermin
decimating flowering plants instead of the chowing down on the natural
vegetation that
grows so
easily and widespread beyond the garden wall. They should go after sage
and rabbit bush instead of iris, columbines, and carefully nurtured
•Boulder Distance
Carnival 5 Mile. This race in mid-April held at the Boulder
Reservoir is considered to be a
local warm-up for the high profile Bolder-Boulder. Judy often runs
it as a way to gauge how she's progressing in her training. Though she won her age
group over the other 65–69 year-old runner, more important she ran
the level course at a very respectable nine minute mile pace which, it
turns out, was her pace for the more challenging the Bolder-Boulder. •Bolder-Boulder
Judy completed her three months of twice-weekly training sessions with
the Boulder
Striders in preparation for the Bolder-Boulder 10K on Memorial Day.
workouts helped her win
her age group for the umpteenth time and faster than last year’s
time. She gets to wear the yellow jersey in next year’s race
signifying she is an age group winner. (The idea came too late this
year for the race directors to order yellow
jerseys and, instead, had
to settle for white.) The
yellow jersey will help spectators and other competitors
pick her out of the swarm of 50,000 runners who participate annually.
She also
is one of the few
winners who also earned a certificate (suitable for framing) awarded to
those runners whose time is lower than their age!
•Joe Colton Off
Adventure Run. Judy also won her age
group in the local Joe Colton 5K, an annual event held just south
of us on the road from Rollinsville west along South Boulder Creek
Rollins Pass atop the Continental Divide. It’s a terrific event
benefiting a number of local
non-profits and attracts very competitive runners up from Boulder as
well as local area runners to race on one of the most scenic
courses in the Front Range. Judy could have run a 10K, a 10 mile, or a
14.3 mile race (which used to be a 15 mile race, but someone measured
a GPS and discovered the “shorter” distance).
[Note: For
the first time
in the eight-year history of the race, portions of the event were
“televised” and can be seen on YouTube!
If you look carefully and quickly you can pick out Judy toward the
front of the
group in the “Start” clip wearing a light red T-shirt.]
•West End 3K.
Like the Pearl Street Mile, this urban out-and-back course runs along
downtown Boulder's Pearl Street, except the 3K heads west from
Broadway. It’s a kind of Boulder “happening” designed to spur retail by
bringing lots of
runners and spectators to the Pearl Street Mall for food and drink and
shopping, thereby creating a huge traffic and parking mess. Last
Thursday, Judy was the top
60+ woman and, in spire of gusty winds, ran at a sub nine minute
mile pace.
Sophie continues to provide comfort
and stress relief to patients at Boulder Community Hospital simply by
showing up, letting folks pet her, and munching happily on the treats
they feed her.
Naturally Sophie doesn't mind a bit. She thinks this is how she's
supposed to be treated. Oddly enough, Sophie is much
behaved in the hospital setting among strangers than she is around us
here at home: she is attentive to Judy's commands, never barks, and
doesn't react to sudden noises. She just seems to know what's expected
of her
in that setting. Now if we could just get her to respond to “Come” and
“Stay” here at our place, she’d be the perfect dog we’d always hoped
Hughes is recovering nicely from a second attempt to
mend his “broken” left knee: almost a year and half after a meniscus
repair that did not bring much relief, he went back (to a new orthopod)
for a second opinion and additional
arthroscopic micro-fracture surgery last March. Recovery has been slow
(on crutches for 6 weeks) but with a great deal of success. He is now
able to hike 2-3 miles, go up and down stairs with greater ease and
comfort than before, and rides his bike easily. A new style brace has
also helped. He will not be running anymore, and knee replacement is
still likely in the future, but for now he walks almost normally and
is getting better each day. He's been cutting and splitting nearly four
cords of wood, warming him now as well as next winter.
Judy celebrated her two-year
anniversary of
being cancer-free. Her quarterly scans and blood work continue to be
reassuring. Her oncologist suggests she could cut back to two
exams a
year, but she will
continue on a quarterly or three times a year basis for near future.
Clearly her activity level is high, her weight is normal, and her
eating habits commendable. She has enjoyed good medical care and
outstanding support from many individuals and groups. In turn, she has
lent her support to others in
the area and online. More important, she has been
highly proactive in directing the course of her recovery. Judy has
continued her Tuesday
morning walks in Boulder with “the ladies,” a terrific group of cancer
who have formed a close social support group that keeps very active
exercise classes, snow shoeing, as well as weekly walks of a couple of
week in Sedona in April was exactly what we needed to warm our bones
and get out
of the
wind that
haunted us all winter. We based ourselves at the Los
Abrigados Resort
(on the left) where the sun always shines, the water in the pool is in
the mid-80s,
and the scenery spectacular. Hughes got around OK on his crutches and
was able to swim and enjoy the pool. However, no mountain biking this
trip, no
hiking, and no shopping. Judy ran daily, we read a great deal, caught
up on new movies we’d missed, and ate well. Our one day trip was spent
antiquing in Prescott, and we finished the day with a great burger and
margarita at what we consider Jerome’s premier eatery, the Jerome Palace
Haunted Hamburger, a must-stop dining experience with a view to die
for. It was worth making the trek to the top of the town on crutches. •Mueller State
Park. By May, Hughes was able to walk much more easily without
crutches as well as bicycle. So we packed the RV, the dogs, the bikes,
some food,
and some books and headed to Mueller
State Park, one of our favorite state parks
just west of Colorado Springs on the back side of Pike’s Peak (and a
short 150 miles away—less than a full tank of diesel round trip from
home). We had
camped there last fall and knew we wanted to return at a different
season. Reservations are highly recommended even in the spring, and we
were able
to land a comfortable, private site (#3), a splendid view of the
mountains, with
a meadow and pond (just over Judy's right shoulder in the photo on the
right) just across the road. A short distance from our
campsite was one of the dozens of trail heads that give campers access
to a trail system of over 50 miles and 5,000 acres of wilderness, home
to elk, black bears, and mule deer. We did hike and bike every day,
except for the day
we woke to snow! The skies were thick gray and hiking would have been
sloppy, so rather than sit inside
or whatever, we drove to the dreary casino gambling
town of Cripple Creek a few miles down the road for lunch and a look
around. Then we came back and spent the rest of the day reading or
whatever. We also appreciated the luxury of having a TV, just for days
like that one.
Hughes got out his trombone a few weeks ago and is
getting his lip in shape for Nederland July 4th parade. Hess also
rehearsing in earnest with McGinty’s Wake for at least one gig in the
area. Hell miss others because of camping trips. [Note: The group is
talking seriously about producing a CD later this year. Who'd have
Judy's running schedule looks more interesting than
ever this summer.
1. She’s planning
to run the Trespass Trail Challenge, a
really tough mile course on dirt roads and trails in the mountains
above Nederland. She's done this several times in the past and knows
how hard this course is.
2. In mid-July we’ll camp near
Feather Lakes (west of Fort Collins) where Judy will run the Inaugural Peace Trail Race at
the Shambhala Mountain
Center. We’ve wanted to visit the Buddhist Center since we returned
from Bhutan and to tour the Great
Stupa completed there in 2001. This race gives us a good excuse to make
the trip.
3. The highlight race of the
summer will probably be the Wild
West Relay: Get Your Ass Over the Pass.
Last Saturday Judy attended the first meeting of her teammates who are
planning to run this challenging race on August 1–2. The course begins
in Fort Collins and goes west and slightly north through the mountains
to Red Feather Lakes and on to Deadman Road into Wyoming, and south to
Walden, over Rabbit Ears Pass and ends
in Steamboat Springs 195 miles away! (Check the web site for a detailed
map.) The 12 runners on the team each
will in turn
three legs (3-7 miles depending upon the terrain) during the two days
and one night of running. Judy has been assigned three legs of the run
including the final four miles to the finish line in downtown Steamboat
Springs! Hughes and the dogs will meet her in
Steamboat and we’ll spend a week camping at Steamboat Lake
State Park, followed by a week at Granby
Lake before returning home to get ready for our Alaska trip.
We know our weather can be erratic and changeable. We expect heavy
snows in
March and April; two feet in May is not exceptional, and even June can
surprise (and it did this year with a few days of very light flurries).
The best part of spring is the moisture that is released to the plant
life in this dry climate and the delight of green plants and flowers
after a long period of
a snowy landscape. This year the area behind our house that we refer to
as (wink wink, nudge nudge) “the meadow,” really
looks like a meadow this year. The grasses have been greener and
thicker than
ever before in the 16 years we’ve lived here. The prayer flags seem even more colorful in contrast to
the bright green surrounding them. The dogs love to roll and to lay out
in the soft grass whenever they can. We even feel the need to “mow the
lawn” from time to time, just like the midwesterners we once were.
So, voles aside, this has been a vintage spring for
us: just the right balance of short travels, good exercise, good
health, good friends, and lots of things to look forward to. We hope
you and your family are able to say the same.