November 8, 2014
Dear Family and Friends,
It has been a long time between newsletters. We last
sent one in April shortly after we returned from our winter hiatus
in Arizona. Since
then we traveled to Italy
(May) and took a road trip through new areas of Colorado to Utah
where we ended the trip by working at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in
(August). Both were memorable trips for different reasons: Italy
because we shared a week in Rome with our daughter's family and got a
grand tour from our grandson
who had been studying there since the first of the year; the road trip
reminded us of the pleasure of using our RV (which had been in storage
over a year) to travel at a leisurely pace and visit areas we had not
seen before. By taking the bikes and towing our small 4wheel drive
Rav4, we had the flexibility to see many places off the beaten path.
should have received reports of both trips, but in case you missed them
you can click on the links above.

Between trips, the last six months we have enjoyed
being at home in our mountains. Our weather has been near-perfect and
we have had no appreciable nor lasting snow yet. The summer and fall
have, so far, been wonderfully mild and dry. Only twice have we
felt the need to have a fire in the wood stove, though that's all going
to change this week when our temperatures are going to bottom
out in the teens for several days. The skiers say "About time!" but
those who hike, bike, and run have enjoyed a balmy, sweet autumn, and
would love it to last forever.
In addition to the routine medical
maintenance visits
to our team of doctors, we have enjoyed time with our neighbors; we
entertained—and been entertained by—visitors from Ohio, Florida, and
Washington; and we have continued our regular volunteer activities.
Biking, and Running
Judy has been doing all three on a regular basis.
She has
continued as a regular member of a hearty group of mountain ladies who
hike in
some of the most scenic and, sometimes, challenging areas of the front
range, mostly in the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area. The photos they took
really show off the beauty of the high country that is within a half
hour drive of Nederland: the wildflowers this year were spectacular,
the aspens in September were as glorious golden as we've ever seen in
our area, and the snows on the Continental Divide provided a nearly
continuous backdrop for the alpine lakes and meadows. If you tried to
call her
on a Thursday between May and November, the chances are she couldn't
answer because she was out of cell phone range.

Most every Sunday, and many days in between, Judy
was biking—either with our son, Michael (on Sundays) or solo on
the roads up here. Hughes has very occasionally joined the Sunday rides
or weekday rides with Judy on the road to Eldora. It's a 17 miles round
trip from our
house to the end
of the pavement in Eldora (the small former mining town west of
Nederland), with an overall elevation gain of over 1,000'. It's a few
miles further from the house south to the small railroad town of
Pinecliff. She averages a little over 15 mph in spite of the ascents,
some of which are really quad-busters. She has so taken to biking that
given the choice and the appropriate weather, she is more likely to
chose biking over running. Group running on
Saturdays (with the Purple Runners) and Sundays (with the Boulder
Roadrunners) have gone pretty much by the boards, and it's clear that
has become more of a biker than a runner.
That's not to say that her interest in running has
disappeared altogether. She did not sign up for this year's Bolder
Boulder 10K,
much to the delight of Dianne Fuller who won Judy's age group for the
first time. She did, however, win her age group in the Boulder
Distance Classic in April and brought home a case of beer for
winning her age group in the Avery
4 on the 4th. Unfortunately, this year's Neder-Nederland races,
held on the Sunday after Labor Day, were canceled because the person
who took responsibility for directing the races decided she couldn't
make enough money putting them on. So after more than a quarter of a
century there were no races in Nederland!

Michael, who has been an AARP member for a couple years, continues to impress us both
with his biking achievements: he commutes 24 miles by bicycle most work days, and likes
to ride a Century on frequent occasion. He aims for 10,000 miles and 100 miles of elevation
gain each year, and usually cracks the goal well before Thanksgiving. He charts it all on
Strava, a program that maps, records, and analyzes each ride, as does Judy.]
We've had friends stay in the
guest suite at the Moir Motel every year for the past 22 years. (Is it
the beauty of the mountains or Moir hospitality?) We
enjoy reconnecting with folks from our past as well as delight in
showing off the scenery and history that is so close by. We have great
hiking for all ages and abilities. We have intriguing ghost towns and
old mines in
which to poke around. We have fine places to eat. There is history
around every corner. For the past four years we've introduced guests to
the pleasure of the town's unusual
and whimsical Carousel of Happiness. While there's not a lot of
shopping in town, you can
always find terrific gifts and souvenirs in Nederland; more serious
retail is no
farther away than Boulder, 18 miles down the canyon. Though no one yet
been interested, there is also casino gambling 18 miles to the south in
historic Black Hawk and Central City. And Rocky Mountain National Park
is less than an hour to the north.
Hedy Bressler knows all this. She started coming out
from Florida years ago when her son was a student at the University of
Colorado down in Boulder. Since he's been living and working in
the Vail area for many years, Hedy loves to visit (skiing in the
winter, golf in
the summer, concerts year round, etc.). She usually pays us a call for
a day or two so we can catch up on how her Florida golf game is
progressing and the tribulations of her HOA, as well as reminisce about
our Antioch College days back in the late 50s and early 60s. It's hard
to find something new for her to visit—she's seen almost everything in
the area, but we so enjoy her laid back, relaxed,
don't-go-to-any-trouble style of visiting.

Jill Calcamuggio worked with Judy at the hospital
lab back in Toledo. More important, she's responsible for encouraging
to begin running. When Judy entered her first race at Jill's
suggestion, Judy won a trophy; her competitive juices kicked in and she
couldn't be stopped. She's been running ever since. Jill has a sister
living in Denver and Jill and
Judy get together while she's visiting from Toledo.
Former students Dick and Trish Sanders from
Whitehouse (Ohio), who have visited us in the past, came to Colorado
for the
marriage of their son, Ben. When we heard they were coming, we insisted
on a day of Shanghai rummy. After all, they are the gurus who
introduced the game to us (along with the now famous Sanders Shuffle)
and set the bar high as, in our estimation,
the best (and fastest) Shanghai players we've encountered. They're also
funny and fun to play with. And so are their daughters who came with
them (one is a lawyer, the other a stand up comedian, so you know
fast and bright and funny!). We also met David, a likely
soon-to-be member of the family, who won not only Laura's heart, but
also Dick's since they are both avid fly fishermen. The seven of us
played triple
deck Shanghai for hours, well past sunset. While we had dinner on the
patio, one of the daughters casually remarked that there was a bear
walking through the meadow in the back. It was not the first one we've
seen, but it always gives us a thrill, especially if the dogs remain
unaware of the animal's presence and we can observe it calmly. In spite
of the event, we later walked across the meadow and through our
woods to stretch our legs between games.

Bill Martin and Christine Besch, friends
from Desert Trails, decided to accept our invitation to drive out from
Washington (state) and get to know what our part of the world is like
(They're the two on the left end of the log).
We decided to do more than play endless rounds of Shanghai rummy, and
instead showed them the full range of hiking in the
nearby mountains (Bill even enthusiastically joined the ladies Thursday
hiking group); we
poked through nearby mine camps and found geocaches in some nearby
rugged areas; of course Judy and Christine went treasure
through some of the trendier thrift stores in in the Boulder area,
Bill and Hughes stacked wood, hauled mounds of slash to the local sort
yard, and did some other maintenance projects. It's true we did play
some Shanghai, but not as much as we could have. After all, they were
with us for two weeks and we had time.
One would think that a two-week visit would grow
old, but it didn't. We enjoyed the entire time they were here, which
passed quickly. However, to show their gratitude, sometime just before
they left these Seattle Seahawk fans sneaked downstairs, under the
of darkness, and swiped one of
our Bronco super bowl pennants, which we proudly hang above our bar,
and replaced it with a Seahawk pennant! It was at least two weeks
before we noticed the
switch! We were good sports and laughed at our lack of
observation. However, after Seattle beat Denver last month (by a fluke
in overtime), Christine sent a photo of our pennant (which they kept)
poised for down-loading it into a toilet in their house. We were not
amused. We felt this
brazen act demands some form a retribution
(TBD). We have said nothing, but we suspect they know we're waiting for
the right time to strike back. We'll report back in a future newsletter.

•Judy returned from Arizona with a quilt top that
was pieced together by a good friend who was taking a quilting class at
Trails. Judy spent many hours this spring and summer finishing the hand
quilting using a design of her choosing. The finished product is
fabulous quilt, the combined efforts of Carole's and Judy's selection
of striking colors, Carole's machine piecing, and Judy's careful, fine
hand quilting.
•As the Carousel of Happiness enters its fourth
year of offering visitors to Nederland a unique and happy experience,
we continue to support it
through volunteering by greeting visitors, selling tickets and gifts,
and generally making visitors feel welcome. We like working there, and
when you come for a visit,
we'll get you up on the moose or rabbit or sit you next to the gorilla.
Whatever, it will be quite a memorable trip.
•By all accounts, this year's town 4th of July
parade seemed to lack
the usual enthusiasm and had fewer participants than in the past. We've
not had fireworks in the evening for the past few years which may have
taken some of the luster and anticipation away from the parade.
Membership in the Barker Dam Brass Band has shrunk to its smallest
numbers in years and the parade route itself was shorter than usual.
Sadly, after over twenty years of popular performances, our band
director has raised the question of the group's future.

•After nearly 140,000 miles of reliable
service, Judy sold her 2000 Subaru Outback and purchased a new 2015
Outback that is longer, wider, taller, roomier, and more fuel efficient
than her older model. It's also very high tech (the manuals are three
the size of the manual for the 2000 outback) and has more functions
that operate automatically (once they are programmed) so that Judy
it her "Smart Car." Hughes finds it much roomier and more comfortable
than her previous model, and he has had great fun playing with the
systems. We'll take our inaugural "long" trip when we leave for Arizona
at the end of the month, and look forward to the two-day drive that
be quieter, more comfortable, and we'll have our choice of music and
talk programs
through the dreaded "radio dead zones" across wide sections of New
Mexico and
•The Mystery Book Club continues to meet monthly to
read and discuss a variety
of mysteries of varying levels of quality, though this year we
enjoyed William Kent Krueger's Edgar winning Ordinary Grace. We recommend it
•In addition to human visitors, we enjoyed the
company of two neighbors' dogs, either for one-day visits or stays as
as a week. Bella and Lucy enjoyed each guest and were happy to show
them where the bunnies lived and where all the good smells are.
•Three seminars at the Apple Store helped to
ease Hughes's transition to his new iMac computer, which is enough
different in many features that the move has not been without some
bumps along the path. The hard drive on his previous iMac, purchased
eight years ago, simply
died, went silent, and like the bird in the famous Monty Python "dead
parrot" sketch,
the computer was "no more"—it was a "late computer." The number of
updates and new
was often baffling.
•We saw G&S's "Pirates of Penzance" for the
umpteenth time this spring: we've seen high school productions, college
performances (several at the University of Michigan), professional
concerts, and video/movie versions. (Our favorite is probably the NYC
production with Linda Ronstadt, Kevin Kline, Angela Landsbury, and a
talented cast who seemed to understand that Gilbert and Sullivan did
not intend for the audience or actors to take the whole thing very
seriously and clearly seemed to enjoy the fun of the play.) The
University of Colorado Opera put on a first rate production with
innovative sets, a terrific orchestra, and talented singers/actors. We
never seem to tire of it.
•Among several seasonal neighborhood eating events,
our calendar for the past six months recorded showed the
following social events:

•We hosted at least five Desert Trails
style happy hours for small neighborhood gatherings, one of which
featured Cathy Phelps's special margarita recipe.
•We hosted the second of what surely
will become an annual
Octoberfest gathering of good German style food and drink and
drinking songs. As you can see, some guests even came in constume.
•We attended a musical BarBQ with
the folks with whom Hughes makes music each week; we enjoyed the
Bradburys' annual tube steak party, the Rudstrums' patio party and
their rice and beans Bronco party; and
frequent neighborhood potlucks, very much in the tradition of Desert
where no good deed seems to go unrewarded without a potluck celebration.
•Card playing absorbed many good hours
of concentration, conversation, and snacking. Our Nederland Cutthroat
Bridge Club met monthly, and several informal foursomes met frequently
the past six months for social bridge; we found
enough interest from a few neighbors in playing Shanghai rummy that we
looked forward to several sessions for that; Hughes and Rick averaged
at least one game of cribbage a week; on several occasions we
lost significant portions of our Desert Trails laundry quarters at the
hands of Jim
and Sandi Bradbury who love to play "31."
Final Reflections
Judy found among the emails she recently received the following (unattributed) question: "If we don't feel
grateful for what we already have, what makes us think we'd be happy
with more?"
It was in this spirit that rereading
this letter, and in the spirit of the season of Thanksgiving we realize
that we seem to have had huhugh than we deserve. Maybe we have, but
at our ages it does not seem a sin to enjoy retirement. We know we are
among the very lucky to have relatively good health, a supportive
family, and a network of friendly and active neighbors who seem to
the same things we do. We live in an area of clean air, spectacular
scenery, and lots of sunshine. We acknowledge the good fortune we've
had in our lives and live with few regrets, and we recognize we made
good decisions along the way. We don't spend what we don't have, and
have tried to retain and nurture the friendships we've made. In short,
we have our health, our friends, and are generally free from economic
worry. The ability to retire when we did, where we did, and how we did
has been a blessing. We have been given so much in our lives, we can
only hope that we, in turn, have been generous toward others. We
continue to look ahead with optimism and anticipation of what lies
All good wishes,
Judy and Hughes