CANYON![]() In addition to being a hub for visiting surrounding national parks, Kanab is arguably best known as the home of the largest no-kill animal sanctuary in the country, perhaps the world: Best Friends Animal Society. It is located in Angel Canyon five miles north of Kanab and comprises an area the size of Manhattan Island.The photo below was taken from the overlook at the cafeteria. Best Friends is home to dogs, cats, bunnies, pigs, horses, goats, mules, and birds in need: who are abandoned, found injured, or can no longer be cared for by their owners. Best Friends took in many of Michael Vick’s fighting dogs; many animals were rescued from New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, from Iraq during the fighting there, from the streets of Los Angeles, and other places where animals are in harm’s way. On any On any given day, there are about 1,700 animals living at the Sanctuary where they are housed and fed, given medical treatment, and socialized and rehabilitated with the goal of finding adopting homes. In some cases, an animal will live out his or her full life cared for by Best Friends. In short, animals who come into the care of Best Friends will never again be alone, hungry, sick, afraid or in pain. If we could only say that about human beings….. ![]() ![]()